Tuesday, July 29 2014
Ohio Lawmakers Look to Repeal Common Core
Common core? More like common score! Maybe not for the Ohio lawmakers who want to repeal the state’s use of national standards and replace them with new standards. Republican Speaker Pro Tempore Matt Huffman introduced a bill that has been fast-tracked to committee that would repeal the standards being implemented at schools starting in August. If the bill were to pass the Ohio House, it would need to be also passed by the Ohio Senate and escape a veto from Gov. John Kasich, an ally of the Common Core.
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Lumenocity is Back This Weekend, Now With More Technology
This weekend marks the second annual installment of LumenoCity, the projection-mapped extravaganza set against historical Music Hall in OTR. The event that kicked-off last year to widespread fanfare has been working full-tilt to provide an experience as exciting as last years, with the first performance kicking off Friday. Upping the ante, organizers have been working with local ad-agency Topic to bring an interactive application for fans.
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Cincinnati Owes Itself Roughly $4 Million
The City of Cincinnati improperly borrowed money from neighborhood projects to pay its taxes to Cincinnati Public Schools and now has to repay the $4 million, according to The Cincinnati Enquirer. A Hamilton County judge ruled that the creative, unlawful financing the city loaned itself cannot be replicated in the future. The money should be a welcome to relief the 12 communities missing funds. A final judgement for when the city must pay the $4 million back will be determined Aug. 8.
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Cranley: City Should Double It's Commitment to Icon Rehabilitation Effort
In the recent hubbub surrounding the whether tax payers are on the hook for rehabilitation of two of the city's most notable icons, Mayor Cranley has relented a bit and pledged to double the city's commitment to the effort. The Mayor has agreed to a restitution payment of $200,000 over 25 years, bringing the city's total investment $20 million dollars.
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People’s Liberty Hopes to Fuel Philanthropists’ Dreams
Two people each will be given $100,000 to quit their jobs and chase their dreams of making a difference in the community. The application for the Haile Fellowship grants will be run by People’s Liberty, which will headquartered at the Globe building across from Findlay Market. In addition to a monetary grant, the foundation will provide would-be philanthropists a work place, support staff and expert advice on how to navigate local government and businesses.
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